added chinese menu translation

fangd123 2023-04-06 23:07:50 +08:00
parent 80e8ca8788
commit 61fab8d247
5 changed files with 35 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
"index": "Prompt Engineering",
"introduction": "Introduction",
"techniques": "Techniques",
"applications": "Applications",
"models": "Models",
"risks": "Risks & Misuses",
"papers": "Papers",
"tools": "Tools",
"notebooks": "Notebooks",
"datasets": "Datasets",
"readings": "Additional Readings",
"index": "提示工程指南",
"introduction": "提示工程简介",
"techniques": "提示技术",
"applications": "提示应用",
"models": "模型",
"risks": "风险和误用",
"papers": "论文",
"tools": "工具和库",
"notebooks": "Prompt Engineering 笔记本",
"datasets": "数据集",
"readings": "阅读推荐",
"about": {
"title": "About",
"title": "关于",
"type": "page"
"title": "Prompt Engineering Course",
"title": "提示工程课程",
"type": "page"
"contact": {
"title": "Contact ↗",
"title": "联系我们 ↗",
"type": "page",
"href": "",
"newWindow": true

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"pal": "Program-Aided Language Models",
"generating": "Generating Data",
"workplace_casestudy": "Graduate Job Classification Case Study"
"pal": "程序辅助语言模型",
"generating": "生成数据",
"workplace_casestudy": "毕业生工作分类案例研究"

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"settings": "LLM Settings",
"basics": "Basics of Prompting",
"elements": "Prompt Elements",
"tips": "General Tips for Designing Prompts",
"examples": "Examples of Prompts"
"settings": "大语言模型设置",
"basics": "基本概念",
"elements": "提示词要素",
"tips": "设计提示的通用技巧",
"examples": "提示词示例"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"adversarial": "Adversarial Prompting",
"factuality": "Factuality",
"biases": "Biases"
"adversarial": "对抗性提示",
"factuality": "真实性",
"biases": "偏见"

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
"zeroshot": "Zero-shot Prompting",
"fewshot": "Few-shot Prompting",
"cot": "Chain-of-Thought Prompting",
"consistency": "Self-Consistency",
"knowledge": "Generate Knowledge Prompting",
"ape": "Automatic Prompt Engineer",
"zeroshot": "零样本提示",
"fewshot": "少样本提示",
"cot": "链式思考CoT提示",
"consistency": "自我一致性",
"knowledge": "生成知识提示",
"ape": "自动提示工程师",
"activeprompt": "Active-Prompt",
"dsp": "Directional Stimulus Prompting",
"react": "ReAct",
"multimodalcot": "Multimodal CoT",
"graph": "Graph Prompting"
"dsp": "方向性刺激提示",
"react": "ReAct框架",
"multimodalcot": "多模态思维链提示方法",
"graph": "基于图的提示"