# Standard Prompts We have tried a very simple prompt above. A standard prompt has the following format: ``` ? ``` This can be formatted into a QA format, which is standard in a lot of QA dataset, as follows: ``` Q: ? A: ``` Given the standard format above, one popular and effective technique to prompting is referred to as few-shot prompting where we provide exemplars. Few-shot prompts can be formatted as follows: ``` ? ? ? ? ``` And you can already guess that its QA format version would look like this: ``` Q: ? A: Q: ? A: Q: ? A: Q: ? A: ``` Keep in mind that it's not required to use QA format. The format depends on the task at hand. For instance, you can perform a simple classification task and give exemplars that demonstrate the task as follows: *Prompt:* ``` This is awesome! // Positive This is bad! // Negative Wow that movie was rad! // Positive What a horrible show! // ``` *Output:* ``` Negative ``` Few-shot prompts enable in-context learning which is the ability of language models to learn tasks given only a few examples. We will see more of this in action in the upcoming guides.