#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: appd_ZeverSolarSensor.py # # Purpose: To get the Zeversolar solar generation from the local website # and send it to the front end. It does it by sending it as a # sensor to the front end. This module parses the value returned # by the URL call and gives us the: # - Instantaneous generated power in kW # - Total generated energy for the day in kWH # You don't have to make any changes to your configuration.yaml file. # It automatically generates the sensor for the front end. # # Note: Modified for AppDaemon 4 # # Author: Cheong Koo # # Created: 09/08/2021 # # Note that at night, the server is down as there is no power hence need to check # Below the reading from the URL separated by CR # 1 1 EAB9618A0399 RSQMMVXNNPJMNWHY M11 17A31-727R+17829-719R 10:58 05/10/2019 0 1 BD500001018A0080 4978 14.52 OK Error # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 # # In your "apps.yaml" file, put the following lines # zeversolar_sensor: # module: appd_ZeverSolarSensor # class: ZeverSolarSensor #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import hassapi as hass import urllib.request import datetime # Check if server is up or down # https://docs.python.org/3.1/howto/urllib2.html from urllib.request import Request, urlopen from urllib.error import URLError from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global constants # Get the below from Router #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- zeverSolarURL = "" # Change this to your ZeverSolar Inverter IP address datetimeFormat = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M" # Format for strftime() generationFormat = "{:.2f}" refreshInterval = 120 # Time interval to read the URL in seconds genPowerIndex = 11 # Index into the returned string from the URL dailyEnergyIndex = 12 # Index into returned string from the URL #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class to be called by AppDaemon # Remember to declare this class and the module in apps.yaml #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ZeverSolarSensor(hass.Hass): #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- Initialise the module def initialize(self): self.log("------------------------------------------------", log="main_log") self.log("Initiatilize: ZeverSolar Sensor", log="main_log") #-- Intialise some local variables self.generatedPower = 0.00 # In kW self.totalEnergyDaily = 0.00 # In KwH self.dateOfReading = datetime.now() #-- Run first time in 5 sec self.run_in(self.doGetGenAndSendAsSensor, 5) #-- Then run it every refreshInterval startTime = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=refreshInterval) self.run_every(self.doGetGenAndSendAsSensor, startTime, refreshInterval) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- Get generation and send out as sensor def doGetGenAndSendAsSensor(self, arg): self.log("----- ZeverSolar sensor callback -----", log="main_log") #-- Get the generated power & energy self.requestSolarGeneration(self) lastUpdated = self.dateOfReading.strftime(datetimeFormat) # Last updated #-- Output the sensor values #-- Instantaneous Generated power stateInfo1 = generationFormat.format(self.generatedPower) self.set_state("sensor.zeverSolar_generated_power", state=stateInfo1, attributes=\ {"unit_of_measurement": "kW", \ "device_class": "power", \ "icon": "mdi:white-balance-sunny", \ "friendly_name": "Generated Power", "lastUpdated": lastUpdated }) #-- Daily energy generated #- Icons are located at http://materialdesignicons.com/ stateInfo2 = generationFormat.format(self.totalEnergyDaily) self.set_state("sensor.zeverSolar_daily_energy", state=stateInfo2, attributes=\ {"unit_of_measurement": "kWh", \ "device_class": "power", \ "icon": "mdi:white-balance-sunny", \ "friendly_name": "Daily Generated Energy", "lastUpdated": lastUpdated }) #-- Send out a log to the appdaemon console self.log("Updated: " + lastUpdated + " Gen: " + stateInfo1 + "kW, Daily energy: " + stateInfo2 + "kWh", log="main_log") #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- Gets the reading from the URL. Returns 0 if no generation def requestSolarGeneration(self, arg): self.dateOfReading = datetime.now() # Get date & time of reading req = Request(zeverSolarURL) try: response = urlopen(req) htmlresponse = response.read() st = htmlresponse.decode() st = st.split() # Convert the string into a list #-- Get the string for the Generated Power and Daily Energy genPower = st[genPowerIndex] dailyEnergy = st[dailyEnergyIndex] #-- Convert string into Int and Float self.generatedPower = float(genPower)/1000 # Its in W eg. 4978. Convert into kW self.totalEnergyDaily = float(dailyEnergy) # It is already in kWh eg. 14.52 return except: self.log("Error in connecting to Zever solar server", log="main_log") self.generatedPower = 0.00 self.totalEnergyDaily = 0.00 return