Python101/Session 8 - Exercise (Inter.../

96 lines
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# Set name of Excel file to read containing known points
file_known = 'known_points.xlsx'
# Set name of sheet to read from Excel file
sheet_known = 'Sheet1'
# Read data from Excel sheet into a dataframe
df = pd.read_excel(file_known, sheet_name=sheet_known, skiprows=7)
# Extract column names starting with 'Y' into new dataframe of known Y-coords
df_y = df[df.columns[df.columns.str.startswith('Y')]]
# Extract column names starting with 'Z' into new dataframe of known Z-coords
df_z_known = df[df.columns[df.columns.str.startswith('Z')]]
# Flatten dataframe values into 1D array (matri format -> vector format)
y_known = df_y.values.flatten()
z_known = df_z_known.values.flatten()
# Extract known x-values
x_known = df['X']
# Create X-array by repeating itself as many times as there are Y-columns
# This will create matching(x, y)-points between arrays x and y
x_known = np.repeat(x_known, len(df_y.columns))
# Mirror known y-values and add corresponding x- and y-values
x_known = np.append(x_known, x_known)
y_known = np.append(y_known, -y_known)
z_known = np.append(z_known, z_known)
# Arrange known (x, y) points to fit input for interpolation
xy_known = np.array(list(zip(x_known, y_known)))
# Set names and read Excel file with nodes to be interpolated
file_nodes = 'points_to_be_interpolated.xlsx'
sheet_nodes = 'XLSX-Export'
df_nodes = pd.read_excel(file_nodes, sheet_name=sheet_nodes)
# Extract x- and y-coordinates of nodes to be interpolated
x_nodes = df_nodes['X [m]']
y_nodes = df_nodes['Y [m]']
# Extract node numbers for points to be interpolated
node_no = df_nodes['NR']
# Perform interpolation calculation
z_interpolated = griddata(xy_known, z_known, (x_nodes, y_nodes), method='cubic')
### Exercise 1.2 ###
# Create figure object
fig = plt.figure()
# Create axis object for 3D plot
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# Plot known points as 3D scatter plot (ax.scatter(...))
ax.scatter(x_known, y_known, z_known, '-.', color='limegreen')
# Plot interpolated points as 3D scatter plot
ax.scatter(x_nodes, y_nodes, z_interpolated,
'.', color='cornflowerblue', s=0.1)
# Show figure
### Exercise 1.3 ###
# Write Sofistik input code to .dat-file for applying the interpolated z-values as
# imposed displacement load (settlement) in all points (x, y)
with open(f'generated_file.dat', 'w') as file:
# Write the 'static' text to file
file.write('''+PROG SOFILOAD
LC 25 type 'SL' fact 1.0 facd 0.0 titl 'LT settlement all nodes' \n''')
# Write the 'variable' text to file with node number/settlement pairs
for node, settlement in zip(node_no, z_interpolated):
file.write(f' POIN NODE {node} WIDE 0 TYPE WZZ {settlement} \n')
# Write 'static' END statement to file