Added missing brackets

tommyod 2018-01-07 18:52:48 +01:00
parent 7e28f63728
commit df2f1cdc44
4 changed files with 1026 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ quantified roughly as follows:
| Title | Speaker | Uploader | Time | Views | Year | Level |
| ----- | ------- | -------- | ---- | ----- | ---- | ----- |
| :star: [Pandas From The Ground Up]( [[repo](] | Brandon Rhodes | PyCon 2015 | 2:24 | 91000 | 2015 | :smiley: |
| [Introduction Into Pandas]( [repo]( | Daniel Chen | Python Tutorial | 1:28 | 46000 | 2017 | :smiley: |
| [Introduction Into Pandas]( [[repo](] | Daniel Chen | Python Tutorial | 1:28 | 46000 | 2017 | :smiley: |
| [Introduction To Data Analytics With Pandas]( [[repo](] | Quentin Caudron | Python Tutorial | 1:51 | 25000 | 2017 | :smiley: |
| [Pandas for Data Analysis]( [[repo](] | Daniel Chen | Enthought | 3:45 | 13000 | 2017 | :sweat_smile: |
| [Optimizing Pandas Code]( [[repo](] | Sofia Heisler | PyCon 2017 | 0:29 | 12000 | 2017 | :sweat_smile: |

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

data/notebook.tex 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
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\section{Metadata analysis}\label{metadata-analysis}
{\color{incolor}In [{\color{incolor}1}]:} \PY{k+kn}{import} \PY{n+nn}{pandas} \PY{k}{as} \PY{n+nn}{pd}
\PY{k+kn}{import} \PY{n+nn}{numpy} \PY{k}{as} \PY{n+nn}{np}
\PY{k+kn}{import} \PY{n+nn}{bs4}
\PY{k+kn}{import} \PY{n+nn}{requests}
\PY{k+kn}{import} \PY{n+nn}{string}
\PY{o}{\PYZpc{}}\PY{k}{matplotlib} inline
{\color{incolor}In [{\color{incolor}2}]:} \PY{k}{def} \PY{n+nf}{int\PYZus{}str}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{a\PYZus{}string}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{:}
\PY{k}{return} \PY{n+nb}{int}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{a\PYZus{}string}\PY{p}{)}
\PY{k}{return} \PY{l+m+mi}{0}
\PY{k}{def} \PY{n+nf}{info\PYZus{}from\PYZus{}youtube}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{youtube\PYZus{}video\PYZus{}url}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{:}
\PY{l+s+sd}{ Retrieve information from a YouTube url.\PYZdq{}\PYZdq{}\PYZdq{}}
\PY{n}{soup} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{bs4}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{BeautifulSoup}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{requests}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{get}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{youtube\PYZus{}video\PYZus{}url}\PY{p}{)}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{text}\PY{p}{,} \PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{lxml}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{)}
\PY{n}{title} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{soup}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{title}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{text}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{strip}\PY{p}{(}\PY{p}{)}
\PY{n}{views\PYZus{}text} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{soup}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{find}\PY{p}{(}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{div}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{,} \PY{n}{attrs} \PY{o}{=} \PY{p}{\PYZob{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{class}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{:}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{watch\PYZhy{}view\PYZhy{}count}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{\PYZcb{}}\PY{p}{)}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{text}
\PY{n}{views} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{int\PYZus{}str}\PY{p}{(}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{join}\PY{p}{(}\PY{p}{[}\PY{n}{c} \PY{k}{for} \PY{n}{c} \PY{o+ow}{in} \PY{n}{views\PYZus{}text} \PY{k}{if} \PY{n}{c} \PY{o+ow}{in} \PY{n}{string}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{digits}\PY{p}{]}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{)}
\PY{n}{published\PYZus{}text} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{soup}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{find}\PY{p}{(}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{strong}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{,} \PY{n}{attrs} \PY{o}{=} \PY{p}{\PYZob{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{class}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{:}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{watch\PYZhy{}time\PYZhy{}text}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{\PYZcb{}}\PY{p}{)}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{text}
\PY{n}{published} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{int\PYZus{}str}\PY{p}{(}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{join}\PY{p}{(}\PY{p}{[}\PY{n}{c} \PY{k}{for} \PY{n}{c} \PY{o+ow}{in} \PY{n}{published\PYZus{}text}\PY{p}{[}\PY{o}{\PYZhy{}}\PY{l+m+mi}{4}\PY{p}{:}\PY{p}{]} \PY{k}{if} \PY{n}{c} \PY{o+ow}{in} \PY{n}{string}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{digits}\PY{p}{]}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{)}
\PY{n}{publisher} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{soup}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{find}\PY{p}{(}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{div}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{,} \PY{n}{attrs} \PY{o}{=} \PY{p}{\PYZob{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{class}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{:}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{yt\PYZhy{}user\PYZhy{}info}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{\PYZcb{}}\PY{p}{)}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{text}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{strip}\PY{p}{(}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+se}{\PYZbs{}n}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{)}
\PY{n}{num\PYZus{}likes\PYZus{}text} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{soup}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{find}\PY{p}{(}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{button}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{,} \PY{n}{attrs} \PY{o}{=} \PY{p}{\PYZob{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{class}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{:}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{like\PYZhy{}button\PYZhy{}renderer\PYZhy{}like\PYZhy{}button}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{\PYZcb{}}\PY{p}{)}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{text}
\PY{n}{num\PYZus{}likes} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{int\PYZus{}str}\PY{p}{(}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{join}\PY{p}{(}\PY{p}{[}\PY{n}{c} \PY{k}{for} \PY{n}{c} \PY{o+ow}{in} \PY{n}{num\PYZus{}likes\PYZus{}text} \PY{k}{if} \PY{n}{c} \PY{o+ow}{in} \PY{n}{string}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{digits}\PY{p}{]}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{)}
\PY{n}{percentage\PYZus{}likes\PYZus{}text} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{soup}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{find}\PY{p}{(}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{div}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{,} \PY{n}{attrs} \PY{o}{=} \PY{p}{\PYZob{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{class}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{:}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{video\PYZhy{}extras\PYZhy{}sparkbar\PYZhy{}likes}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{\PYZcb{}}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{[}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{style}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{]}
\PY{n}{percentage\PYZus{}likes} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n+nb}{float}\PY{p}{(}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{join}\PY{p}{(}\PY{p}{[}\PY{n}{c} \PY{k}{for} \PY{n}{c} \PY{o+ow}{in} \PY{n}{percentage\PYZus{}likes\PYZus{}text} \PY{k}{if} \PY{n}{c} \PY{o+ow}{in} \PY{n}{string}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{digits} \PY{o}{+} \PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{.}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{]}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{)}
\PY{k}{return} \PY{p}{\PYZob{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{url}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{:}\PY{n}{youtube\PYZus{}video\PYZus{}url}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{strip}\PY{p}{(}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{,}
\PY{k}{return} \PY{k+kc}{None}
{\color{incolor}In [{\color{incolor}3}]:} \PY{n}{urls} \PY{o}{=} \PY{p}{[}
\PY{n}{urls} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n+nb}{list}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n+nb}{set}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{urls}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{)}
{\color{incolor}In [{\color{incolor}4}]:} \PY{c+c1}{\PYZsh{} Parse the URLS}
\PY{n}{data\PYZus{}inn} \PY{o}{=} \PY{p}{[}\PY{p}{]}
\PY{k}{for} \PY{n}{url} \PY{o+ow}{in} \PY{n}{urls}\PY{p}{:}
\PY{n}{info} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{info\PYZus{}from\PYZus{}youtube}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{url}\PY{p}{)}
\PY{k}{if} \PY{n}{info}\PY{p}{:}
\PY{n+nb}{print}\PY{p}{(}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{Error with:}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{,} \PY{n}{url}\PY{p}{)}
Error with:
{\color{incolor}In [{\color{incolor}11}]:} \PY{n}{df} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{pd}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{DataFrame}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{data\PYZus{}inn}\PY{p}{)}
{\color{outcolor}Out[{\color{outcolor}11}]:} num\_likes percentage\_likes published\_yr publisher \textbackslash{}
0 6527 98.953911 2013 Next Day Video
1 142 94.666667 2016 PyData
2 88 100.000000 2015 PyCon Australia
title \textbackslash{}
0 Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Py{\ldots}
1 Christopher Roach | Visualizing Geographic Dat{\ldots}
2 Predicting sports winners using data analytics{\ldots}
url views
0 340228
1 13912
2\_-gWMw 12867
{\color{incolor}In [{\color{incolor}12}]:} \PY{k}{def} \PY{n+nf}{rating\PYZus{}func}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{df}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{:}
\PY{l+s+sd}{ A rating heuristic.}
\PY{l+s+sd}{ \PYZdq{}\PYZdq{}\PYZdq{}}
\PY{n}{num\PYZus{}likes}\PY{p}{,} \PY{n}{percentage\PYZus{}likes} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{df}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{num\PYZus{}likes}\PY{p}{,} \PY{n}{df}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{percentage\PYZus{}likes}
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\PY{n}{a}\PY{p}{,} \PY{n}{b} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{num\PYZus{}likes}\PY{o}{*}\PY{n}{percentage\PYZus{}likes}\PY{p}{,} \PY{n}{np}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{log}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{views}\PY{p}{)}
\PY{n}{age} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n+nb}{abs}\PY{p}{(}\PY{l+m+mi}{2018} \PY{o}{\PYZhy{}} \PY{n}{df}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{published\PYZus{}yr}\PY{p}{)}
\PY{k}{return} \PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{a}\PY{o}{*}\PY{n}{b} \PY{o}{/} \PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{a} \PY{o}{+} \PY{n}{b}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{)} \PY{o}{\PYZhy{}} \PY{n}{age}\PY{o}{*}\PY{o}{*}\PY{l+m+mf}{0.8}
\PY{n}{df} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{df}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{assign}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{rating} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{rating\PYZus{}func}\PY{p}{)}
{\color{incolor}In [{\color{incolor}13}]:} \PY{n+nb}{len}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{df}\PY{p}{)}
{\color{outcolor}Out[{\color{outcolor}13}]:} 73
{\color{incolor}In [{\color{incolor}15}]:} \PY{n}{temp} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{df}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{sort\PYZus{}values}\PY{p}{(}\PY{p}{[}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{rating}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{]}\PY{p}{,} \PY{n}{ascending} \PY{o}{=} \PY{k+kc}{False}\PY{p}{)}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{drop\PYZus{}duplicates}\PY{p}{(}\PY{p}{)}
\PY{k}{for} \PY{n}{i} \PY{o+ow}{in} \PY{n+nb}{range}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n+nb}{len}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{temp}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{:}
\PY{n}{values\PYZus{}dict} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{temp}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{iloc}\PY{p}{[}\PY{n}{i}\PY{p}{,} \PY{p}{:}\PY{p}{]}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{to\PYZus{}dict}\PY{p}{(}\PY{p}{)}
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\PY{n}{Title} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{values\PYZus{}dict}\PY{p}{[}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{title}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{]}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{replace}\PY{p}{(}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{|}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{,}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{ }\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{,}
\PY{n}{Speaker} \PY{o}{=} \PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{NAME}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{,}
\PY{n}{Uploader} \PY{o}{=} \PY{n}{values\PYZus{}dict}\PY{p}{[}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{publisher}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{]}\PY{p}{,}
\PY{n}{Duration} \PY{o}{=} \PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{DURATION}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{,}
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\PY{n}{Level} \PY{o}{=} \PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{Novice}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{)}\PY{p}{)}
| [Tetiana Ivanova - How to become a Data Scientist in 6 months a hackers approach to career planning - YouTube]( | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 148000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Introduction Into Pandas: Python Tutorial - YouTube]( | NAME | Python Tutorial | DURATION | 46000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [James Powell - So you want to be a Python expert? - YouTube]( | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 28000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [NumPy Beginner SciPy 2016 Tutorial Alexandre Chabot LeClerc - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 56000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Introduction To Data Analytics With Pandas - YouTube]( | NAME | Python Tutorial | DURATION | 25000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python - YouTube]( | NAME | Next Day Video | DURATION | 340000 | None | 2013 | Novice |
| [Machine Learning Part 1 SciPy 2016 Tutorial Andreas Mueller \& Sebastian Raschka - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 47000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Brandon Rhodes - Pandas From The Ground Up - PyCon 2015 - YouTube]( | NAME | PyCon 2015 | DURATION | 91000 | None | 2015 | Novice |
| [Modern Dictionaries by Raymond Hettinger - YouTube]( | NAME | SF Python | DURATION | 44000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Jake VanderPlas The Python Visualization Landscape PyCon 2017 - YouTube]( | NAME | PyCon 2017 | DURATION | 21000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Raymond Hettinger, Keynote on Concurrency, PyBay 2017 - YouTube]( | NAME | SF Python | DURATION | 15000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Pandas for Data Analysis SciPy 2017 Tutorial Daniel Chen - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 13000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [JupyterLab: Building Blocks for Interactive Computing SciPy 2016 Brian Granger - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 28000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Sofia Heisler No More Sad Pandas Optimizing Pandas Code for Speed and Efficiency PyCon 2017 - YouTube](\_KKk) | NAME | PyCon 2017 | DURATION | 12000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [A Visual Guide To Pandas - YouTube]( | NAME | Next Day Video | DURATION | 49000 | None | 2015 | Novice |
| [Machine Learning with Scikit Learn SciPy 2015 Tutorial Andreas Mueller \& Kyle Kastner Part I - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 48000 | None | 2015 | Novice |
| [Machine Learning for Time Series Data in Python SciPy 2016 Brett Naul - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 24000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [The Fun of Reinvention (Screencast) - YouTube](\_0wjzuMfc) | NAME | David Beazley | DURATION | 11000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Analyzing and Manipulating Data with Pandas Beginner SciPy 2016 Tutorial Jonathan Rocher - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 22000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Super Advanced Python - YouTube]( | NAME | Next Day Video | DURATION | 143000 | None | 2013 | Novice |
| [Computational Statistics SciPy 2017 Tutorial Allen Downey - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 10000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Raymond Hettinger, "Being a Core Developer in Python", PyBay2016 - YouTube]( | NAME | SF Python | DURATION | 19000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Aileen Nielsen - Time Series Analysis - PyCon 2017 - YouTube]( | NAME | PyCon 2017 | DURATION | 9000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Learning TensorFlow - YouTube]( | NAME | PyCon Australia | DURATION | 18000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [JupyterHub: Deploying Jupyter Notebooks for students and researchers - YouTube]( | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 17000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Jeffrey Yau Applied Time Series Econometrics in Python and R - YouTube]( | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 17000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Machine Learning with scikit learn Part One SciPy 2017 Tutorial Andreas Mueller \& Alexandre Gram - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 8000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Introduction to Numerical Computing with NumPy SciPy 2017 Tutorial Dillon Niederhut - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 8000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Matthew Rocklin Dask A Pythonic Distributed Data Science Framework PyCon 2017 - YouTube](\_2qdipVng) | NAME | PyCon 2017 | DURATION | 7000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Christopher Fonnesbeck - Introduction to Statistical Modeling with Python - PyCon 2017 - YouTube]( | NAME | PyCon 2017 | DURATION | 7000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Fully Convolutional Networks for Image Segmentation SciPy 2017 Daniil Pakhomov - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 7000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Chloe Mawer, Jonathan Whitmore - Exploratory data analysis in python - PyCon 2017 - YouTube]( | NAME | PyCon 2017 | DURATION | 7000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Christopher Roach Visualizing Geographic Data With Python - YouTube]( | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 14000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Builtin Superheroes (Screencast) - YouTube]( | NAME | David Beazley | DURATION | 12000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Python's Class Development Toolkit - YouTube]( | NAME | Next Day Video | DURATION | 80000 | None | 2013 | Novice |
| [Sebastian Raschka Learning scikit learn - An Introduction to Machine Learning in Python - YouTube]( | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 12000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Alex Rubinsteyn: Python Libraries for Deep Learning with Sequences - YouTube]( | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 23000 | None | 2015 | Novice |
| [The Other Async (Threads + Async = ❤️) - YouTube]( | NAME | David Beazley | DURATION | 5000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Daniel Chen Introduction to Pandas - YouTube]( | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 10000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Numba - Tell Those C++ Bullies to Get Lost SciPy 2017 Tutorial Gil Forsyth \& Lorena Barba - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 5000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Deploying Interactive Jupyter Dashboards for Visualizing Hundreds of Millions of Datapoints, in 30 L - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 5000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Divya Sardana Building Recommender Systems Using Python - YouTube]( | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 10000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Joel Grus: Learning Data Science Using Functional Python - YouTube]( | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 18000 | None | 2015 | Novice |
| [Stephen Simmons Pandas from the Inside - YouTube]( | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 9000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Curious Course on Coroutines and Concurrency - YouTube](\_OAlIhXziw) | NAME | David Beazley | DURATION | 9000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Anatomy of matplotlib SciPy 2015 Tutorial Benjamin Root and Joe Kington - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 18000 | None | 2015 | Novice |
| [Anatomy of Matplotlib SciPy 2017 Tutorial Ben Root - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 4000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Data Science is Software SciPy 2016 Tutorial Peter Bull \& Isaac Slavitt - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 9000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Jake VanderPlas: Machine Learning with Scikit Learn - YouTube](\_SPm9co) | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 16000 | None | 2015 | Novice |
| [Using Jupyter notebooks to develop and share interactive data displays - YouTube]( | NAME | PyCon Australia | DURATION | 8000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Parallel Python: Analyzing Large Datasets Intermediate SciPy 2016 Tutorial Matthew Rocklin \& Mi - YouTube](\_sSsN51k) | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 7000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Functional Programming with Python - YouTube]( | NAME | Next Day Video | DURATION | 44000 | None | 2013 | Novice |
| [Predicting sports winners using data analytics with pandas and scikit-learn by Robert Layton - YouTube](\_-gWMw) | NAME | PyCon Australia | DURATION | 13000 | None | 2015 | Novice |
| [Keynote: Project Jupyter SciPy 2016 Brian Granger - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 7000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [matplotlib (Python Plotting Library) Beginner SciPy 2016 Tutorial Nicolas Rougier - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 6000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Awesome Big Data Algorithms - YouTube]( | NAME | Next Day Video | DURATION | 41000 | None | 2013 | Novice |
| [Stephen Simmons - Pandas from the Inside / "Big Pandas" - YouTube](\_xnM) | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 3000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Fear and Awaiting in Async (Screencast) - YouTube]( | NAME | David Beazley | DURATION | 5000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Brian Granger: All About Jupyter - YouTube]( | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 11000 | None | 2015 | Novice |
| [Anusua Trivedi: An example of Predictive Analytics: Building a Recommendation Engine using Python - YouTube]( | NAME | PyData | DURATION | 11000 | None | 2015 | Novice |
| [Sarah Guido The Wild West of Data Wrangling PyCon 2017 - YouTube]( | NAME | PyCon 2017 | DURATION | 3000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Adventures in scikit-learn's Random Forest by Gregory Saunders - YouTube](\_qk) | NAME | PyCon Australia | DURATION | 9000 | None | 2015 | Novice |
| [Doing Math with Python - YouTube]( | NAME | PyCon Australia | DURATION | 5000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Iterations of Evolution: The Unauthorized Biography of the For-Loop - YouTube]( | NAME | David Beazley | DURATION | 2000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Alex Martelli, ""Good Enough" IS Good Enough!", PyBay2016 - YouTube](\_Ek3A2b-nHU) | NAME | SF Python | DURATION | 4000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Renee Chu - Python for Social Scientists: Cleaning and Prepping Data - PyCon 2016 - YouTube]( | NAME | PyCon 2016 | DURATION | 3000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [PyMC: Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Python SciPy 2014 Chris Fonnesbeck - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 9000 | None | 2014 | Novice |
| [Alex Martelli, ""The Tower of Abstraction", PyBay2016 - YouTube]( | NAME | SF Python | DURATION | 3000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Jupyter Advanced Topics Tutorial SciPy 2015 Tutorial Jonathan Frederic, Matthias Bussonier \& Tho - YouTube]( | NAME | Enthought | DURATION | 4000 | None | 2015 | Novice |
| [Rachel Thomas, "Using randomness to make code much faster", PyBay2017 - YouTube]( | NAME | SF Python | DURATION | 1000 | None | 2017 | Novice |
| [Mahmoud Hashemi, Python Profiling \& Performance: elementary to enterprise, PyBay2016 - YouTube](\_M) | NAME | SF Python | DURATION | 1000 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Dillon Niederhut, "What to do when your data is large, but not big", PyBay2016 - YouTube]( | NAME | SF Python | DURATION | 0 | None | 2016 | Novice |
| [Cynthia Lin, "Opening Up to Open Source", PyBay2017 - YouTube]( | NAME | SF Python | DURATION | 0 | None | 2017 | Novice |
{\color{incolor}In [{\color{incolor}9}]:} \PY{n}{df}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{sort\PYZus{}values}\PY{p}{(}\PY{p}{[}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{l+s+s1}{rating}\PY{l+s+s1}{\PYZsq{}}\PY{p}{]}\PY{p}{,} \PY{n}{ascending} \PY{o}{=} \PY{k+kc}{False}\PY{p}{)}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{rating}\PY{o}{.}\PY{n}{hist}\PY{p}{(}\PY{n}{bins} \PY{o}{=} \PY{l+m+mi}{25}\PY{p}{)}
{\color{outcolor}Out[{\color{outcolor}9}]:} <matplotlib.axes.\_subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f928bdbf748>
\adjustimage{max size={0.9\linewidth}{0.9\paperheight}}{output_9_1.png}
{ \hspace*{\fill} \\}
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