
74 lines
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import json
import re
from os.path import expandvars
import six
from six.moves import configparser as CP
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL
def connection_from_dsn_section(section, config):
parser = CP.ConfigParser()
cfg_dict = dict(parser.items(section))
return str(URL(**cfg_dict))
def _connection_string(s):
s = expandvars(s) # for environment variables
if "@" in s or "://" in s:
return s
if s.startswith("[") and s.endswith("]"):
section = s.lstrip("[").rstrip("]")
parser = CP.ConfigParser()
cfg_dict = dict(parser.items(section))
return str(URL(**cfg_dict))
return ""
def parse(cell, config):
"""Extract connection info and result variable from SQL
Please don't add any more syntax requiring
special parsing.
Instead, add @arguments to SqlMagic.execute.
We're grandfathering the
connection string and `<<` operator in.
result = {"connection": "", "sql": "", "result_var": None}
pieces = cell.split(None, 3)
if not pieces:
return result
result["connection"] = _connection_string(pieces[0])
if result["connection"]:
if len(pieces) > 1 and pieces[1] == "<<":
result["result_var"] = pieces.pop(0)
pieces.pop(0) # discard << operator
result["sql"] = (" ".join(pieces)).strip()
return result
# def parse_sql_flags(sql):
# words = sql.split()
# flags = {
# 'persist': False,
# 'result_var': None
# }
# if not words:
# return (flags, "")
# num_words = len(words)
# trimmed_sql = sql
# if words[0].lower() == 'persist':
# flags['persist'] = True
# trimmed_sql = " ".join(words[1:])
# elif num_words >= 2 and words[1] == '<<':
# flags['result_var'] = words[0]
# trimmed_sql = " ".join(words[2:])
# return (flags, trimmed_sql.strip())