
400 lines
13 KiB

import codecs
import csv
import operator
import os.path
import re
from functools import reduce
import prettytable
import six
import sqlalchemy
import sqlparse
from .column_guesser import ColumnGuesserMixin
from pgspecial.main import PGSpecial
except ImportError:
PGSpecial = None
def unduplicate_field_names(field_names):
"""Append a number to duplicate field names to make them unique. """
res = []
for k in field_names:
if k in res:
i = 1
while k + "_" + str(i) in res:
i += 1
k += "_" + str(i)
return res
class UnicodeWriter(object):
A CSV writer which will write rows to CSV file "f",
which is encoded in the given encoding.
def __init__(self, f, dialect=csv.excel, encoding="utf-8", **kwds):
# Redirect output to a queue
self.queue = six.StringIO()
self.writer = csv.writer(self.queue, dialect=dialect, **kwds)
self.stream = f
self.encoder = codecs.getincrementalencoder(encoding)()
def writerow(self, row):
if six.PY2:
_row = [s.encode("utf-8") if hasattr(s, "encode") else s for s in row]
_row = row
# Fetch UTF-8 output from the queue ...
data = self.queue.getvalue()
if six.PY2:
data = data.decode("utf-8")
# ... and reencode it into the target encoding
data = self.encoder.encode(data)
# write to the target stream
# empty queue
def writerows(self, rows):
for row in rows:
class CsvResultDescriptor(object):
"""Provides IPython Notebook-friendly output for the feedback after a ``.csv`` called."""
def __init__(self, file_path):
self.file_path = file_path
def __repr__(self):
return "CSV results at %s" % os.path.join(os.path.abspath("."), self.file_path)
def _repr_html_(self):
return '<a href="%s">CSV results</a>' % os.path.join(
".", "files", self.file_path
def _nonbreaking_spaces(match_obj):
Make spaces visible in HTML by replacing all `` `` with ``&nbsp;``
Call with a ``re`` match object. Retain group 1, replace group 2
with nonbreaking speaces.
spaces = "&nbsp;" * len(match_obj.group(2))
return "%s%s" % (match_obj.group(1), spaces)
_cell_with_spaces_pattern = re.compile(r"(<td>)( {2,})")
class ResultSet(list, ColumnGuesserMixin):
Results of a SQL query.
Can access rows listwise, or by string value of leftmost column.
def __init__(self, sqlaproxy, sql, config):
self.keys = sqlaproxy.keys()
self.sql = sql
self.config = config
self.limit = config.autolimit
style_name = config.style
self.style = prettytable.__dict__[style_name.upper()]
if sqlaproxy.returns_rows:
if self.limit:
list.__init__(self, sqlaproxy.fetchmany(size=self.limit))
list.__init__(self, sqlaproxy.fetchall())
self.field_names = unduplicate_field_names(self.keys)
self.pretty = PrettyTable(self.field_names, style=self.style)
# self.pretty.set_style(self.style)
list.__init__(self, [])
self.pretty = None
def _repr_html_(self):
_cell_with_spaces_pattern = re.compile(r"(<td>)( {2,})")
if self.pretty:
result = self.pretty.get_html_string()
result = _cell_with_spaces_pattern.sub(_nonbreaking_spaces, result)
if self.config.displaylimit and len(self) > self.config.displaylimit:
result = (
'%s\n<span style="font-style:italic;text-align:center;">%d rows, truncated to displaylimit of %d</span>'
% (result, len(self), self.config.displaylimit)
return result
return None
def __str__(self, *arg, **kwarg):
return str(self.pretty or "")
def __getitem__(self, key):
Access by integer (row position within result set)
or by string (value of leftmost column)
return list.__getitem__(self, key)
except TypeError:
result = [row for row in self if row[0] == key]
if not result:
raise KeyError(key)
if len(result) > 1:
raise KeyError('%d results for "%s"' % (len(result), key))
return result[0]
def dict(self):
"""Returns a single dict built from the result set
Keys are column names; values are a tuple"""
return dict(zip(self.keys, zip(*self)))
def dicts(self):
"Iterator yielding a dict for each row"
for row in self:
yield dict(zip(self.keys, row))
def DataFrame(self):
"Returns a Pandas DataFrame instance built from the result set."
import pandas as pd
frame = pd.DataFrame(self, columns=(self and self.keys) or [])
return frame
def pie(self, key_word_sep=" ", title=None, **kwargs):
"""Generates a pylab pie chart from the result set.
``matplotlib`` must be installed, and in an
IPython Notebook, inlining must be on::
%%matplotlib inline
Values (pie slice sizes) are taken from the
rightmost column (numerical values required).
All other columns are used to label the pie slices.
key_word_sep: string used to separate column values
from each other in pie labels
title: Plot title, defaults to name of value column
Any additional keyword arguments will be passsed
through to ``matplotlib.pylab.pie``.
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
pie = plt.pie(self.ys[0], labels=self.xlabels, **kwargs)
plt.title(title or self.ys[0].name)
return pie
def plot(self, title=None, **kwargs):
"""Generates a pylab plot from the result set.
``matplotlib`` must be installed, and in an
IPython Notebook, inlining must be on::
%%matplotlib inline
The first and last columns are taken as the X and Y
values. Any columns between are ignored.
title: Plot title, defaults to names of Y value columns
Any additional keyword arguments will be passsed
through to ``matplotlib.pylab.plot``.
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
self.x = self.x or range(len(self.ys[0]))
coords = reduce(operator.add, [(self.x, y) for y in self.ys])
plot = plt.plot(*coords, **kwargs)
if hasattr(self.x, "name"):
ylabel = ", ".join(y.name for y in self.ys)
plt.title(title or ylabel)
return plot
def bar(self, key_word_sep=" ", title=None, **kwargs):
"""Generates a pylab bar plot from the result set.
``matplotlib`` must be installed, and in an
IPython Notebook, inlining must be on::
%%matplotlib inline
The last quantitative column is taken as the Y values;
all other columns are combined to label the X axis.
title: Plot title, defaults to names of Y value columns
key_word_sep: string used to separate column values
from each other in labels
Any additional keyword arguments will be passsed
through to ``matplotlib.pylab.bar``.
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
plot = plt.bar(range(len(self.ys[0])), self.ys[0], **kwargs)
if self.xlabels:
plt.xticks(range(len(self.xlabels)), self.xlabels, rotation=45)
return plot
def csv(self, filename=None, **format_params):
"""Generate results in comma-separated form. Write to ``filename`` if given.
Any other parameters will be passed on to csv.writer."""
if not self.pretty:
return None # no results
if filename:
encoding = format_params.get("encoding", "utf-8")
if six.PY2:
outfile = open(filename, "wb")
outfile = open(filename, "w", newline="", encoding=encoding)
outfile = six.StringIO()
writer = UnicodeWriter(outfile, **format_params)
for row in self:
if filename:
return CsvResultDescriptor(filename)
return outfile.getvalue()
def interpret_rowcount(rowcount):
if rowcount < 0:
result = "Done."
result = "%d rows affected." % rowcount
return result
class FakeResultProxy(object):
"""A fake class that pretends to behave like the ResultProxy from
def __init__(self, cursor, headers):
if cursor is None:
cursor = []
headers = []
if isinstance(cursor, list):
self.fetchall = cursor.fetchall
self.fetchmany = cursor.fetchmany
self.rowcount = cursor.rowcount
self.keys = lambda: headers
self.returns_rows = True
def from_list(self, source_list):
"Simulates SQLA ResultProxy from a list."
self.fetchall = lambda: source_list
self.rowcount = len(source_list)
def fetchmany(size):
pos = 0
while pos < len(source_list):
yield source_list[pos : pos + size]
pos += size
self.fetchmany = fetchmany
# some dialects have autocommit
# specific dialects break when commit is used:
_COMMIT_BLACKLIST_DIALECTS = ("mssql", "clickhouse", "teradata", "athena")
def _commit(conn, config):
"""Issues a commit, if appropriate for current config and dialect"""
_should_commit = config.autocommit and all(
dialect not in str(conn.dialect) for dialect in _COMMIT_BLACKLIST_DIALECTS
if _should_commit:
except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError:
pass # not all engines can commit
def run(conn, sql, config, user_namespace):
if sql.strip():
for statement in sqlparse.split(sql):
first_word = sql.strip().split()[0].lower()
if first_word == "begin":
raise Exception("ipython_sql does not support transactions")
if first_word.startswith("\\") and "postgres" in str(conn.dialect):
if not PGSpecial:
raise ImportError("pgspecial not installed")
pgspecial = PGSpecial()
_, cur, headers, _ = pgspecial.execute(
conn.session.connection.cursor(), statement
result = FakeResultProxy(cur, headers)
txt = sqlalchemy.sql.text(statement)
result = conn.session.execute(txt, user_namespace)
_commit(conn=conn, config=config)
if result and config.feedback:
resultset = ResultSet(result, statement, config)
if config.autopandas:
return resultset.DataFrame()
return resultset
# returning only last result, intentionally
return "Connected: %s" % conn.name
class PrettyTable(prettytable.PrettyTable):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.row_count = 0
self.displaylimit = None
return super(PrettyTable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def add_rows(self, data):
if self.row_count and (data.config.displaylimit == self.displaylimit):
return # correct number of rows already present
self.displaylimit = data.config.displaylimit
if self.displaylimit == 0:
self.displaylimit = None # TODO: remove this to make 0 really 0
if self.displaylimit in (None, 0):
self.row_count = len(data)
self.row_count = min(len(data), self.displaylimit)
for row in data[: self.displaylimit]: