sql magic for IPython, hopefully evolving into full SQL client. http://catherinedevlin.blogspot.com/
Go to file
Catherine Devlin f4f5b228e9 Accept bind variables (thanks Mike Wilson) 2013-05-30 17:03:39 -04:00
examples Included screenshot 2013-03-29 13:54:47 -04:00
src Accept bind variables (thanks Mike Wilson) 2013-05-30 17:03:39 -04:00
.gitignore Initial commit 2013-03-20 09:41:10 -07:00
HACKING.txt Skeleton as created by modern-package-template 2013-03-20 12:55:52 -04:00
MANIFEST.in Skeleton as created by modern-package-template 2013-03-20 12:55:52 -04:00
NEWS.txt Accept bind variables (thanks Mike Wilson) 2013-05-30 17:03:39 -04:00
README.md Accept bind variables (thanks Mike Wilson) 2013-05-30 17:03:39 -04:00
README.rst Accept bind variables (thanks Mike Wilson) 2013-05-30 17:03:39 -04:00
bootstrap.py Skeleton as created by modern-package-template 2013-03-20 12:55:52 -04:00
buildout.cfg Skeleton as created by modern-package-template 2013-03-20 12:55:52 -04:00
ipython-sql.wpr Skeleton as created by modern-package-template 2013-03-20 12:55:52 -04:00
ipython-sql.wpu Docs changes: mention Pandas, .rst out of .md 2013-03-30 10:45:46 -04:00
setup.py Accept bind variables (thanks Mike Wilson) 2013-05-30 17:03:39 -04:00



Introduces a %sql / %%sql magic.

Connect to a database, using SQLAlchemy connect strings, then issue SQL commands within IPython or IPython Notebook.

ipython-sql notepad usage screenshot


In [1]: %load_ext sql

In [2]: %%sql postgresql://will:longliveliz@localhost/shakes
   ...: select * from character
   ...: where abbrev = 'ALICE'
Out[2]: [(u'Alice', u'Alice', u'ALICE', u'a lady attending on Princess Katherine', 22)]

In [3]: result = _

In [4]: print(result)
charid   charname   abbrev                description                 speechcount 
Alice    Alice      ALICE    a lady attending on Princess Katherine   22         
In [4]: result.keys
Out[5]: [u'charid', u'charname', u'abbrev', u'description', u'speechcount']

In [6]: result[0][0]
Out[6]: u'Alice'

In [7]: result[0].description
Out[7]: u'a lady attending on Princess Katherine'

After the first connection, connect info can be omitted::

In [8]: %sql select count(*) from work
Out[8]: [(43L,)]

Connections to multiple databases can be maintained. You can refer to an existing connection by username@database::

In [9]: %%sql will@shakes
   ...: select charname, speechcount from character 
   ...: where  speechcount = (select max(speechcount) 
   ...:                       from character);
Out[9]: [(u'Poet', 733)]

In [10]: print(_)
charname   speechcount 
Poet       733  

You may use multiple SQL statements inside a single cell, but you will only see any query results from the last of them, so this really only makes sense for statements with no output.

In [11]: %%sql sqlite://
   ....: CREATE TABLE writer (first_name, last_name, year_of_death);
   ....: INSERT INTO writer VALUES ('William', 'Shakespeare', 1616);
   ....: INSERT INTO writer VALUES ('Bertold', 'Brecht', 1956);
Out[11]: []   

Bind variables (bind parameters) can be used in the “named” (:x) style. The variable names used should be defined in the local namespace.

In [12]: name = 'Countess'

In [13]: %sql select description from character where charname = :name
Out[14]: [(u'mother to Bertram',)]


Connection strings are SQLAlchemy standard.

Some example connection strings::



Query results are loaded as lists, so very large result sets may use up your systems memory. There is no autolimit by default.

You can set an autolimit by adding this to your ipython_config.py file::

c.SqlMagic.autolimit = 1000 

You can similarly change the table printing style to any of prettytables defined styles (currently DEFAULT, MSWORD_FRIENDLY, PLAIN_COLUMNS, RANDOM):

c.SqlMagic.style = 'PLAIN_COLUMNS'

You can create and find your ipython_config.py file from the command line::

ipython profile create
ipython locate profile

See http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/stable/config/overview.html#configuration-objects-and-files
for more details on IPython configuration.


Once your data is in IPython, you may want to manipulate it with Pandas:

In [3]: import pandas as pd

In [4]: result = %sql SELECT * FROM character WHERE speechcount > 25

In [5]: dataframe = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=result.keys)


