naoki-k 2016-10-17 03:32:13 +09:00
parent ce42b13284
commit c970633ae9
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
"source": [
"The dataset we generated has two classes, plotted as red and blue points. You can think of the blue dots as male patients and the red dots as female patients, with the x- and y- axis being medical measurements. \n",
"Our goal is to train a Machine Learning classifier that predicts the correct class (male of female) given the x- and y- coordinates. Note that the data is not *linearly separable*, we can't draw a straight line that separates the two classes. This means that linear classifiers, such as Logistic Regression, won't be able to fit the data unless you hand-engineer non-linear features (such as polynomials) that work well for the given dataset.\n",
"Our goal is to train a Machine Learning classifier that predicts the correct class (male or female) given the x- and y- coordinates. Note that the data is not *linearly separable*, we can't draw a straight line that separates the two classes. This means that linear classifiers, such as Logistic Regression, won't be able to fit the data unless you hand-engineer non-linear features (such as polynomials) that work well for the given dataset.\n",
"In fact, that's one of the major advantages of Neural Networks. You don't need to worry about [feature engineering](http://machinelearningmastery.com/discover-feature-engineering-how-to-engineer-features-and-how-to-get-good-at-it/). The hidden layer of a neural network will learn features for you."