
292 lines
11 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# yfinance - market data downloader
# https://github.com/ranaroussi/yfinance
# Copyright 2017-2019 Ran Aroussi
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import time as _time
import traceback
import multitasking as _multitasking
import pandas as _pd
from . import Ticker, utils
from . import shared
def download(tickers, start=None, end=None, actions=False, threads=True, ignore_tz=None,
group_by='column', auto_adjust=False, back_adjust=False, repair=False, keepna=False,
progress=True, period="max", show_errors=None, interval="1d", prepost=False,
proxy=None, rounding=False, timeout=10, session=None):
"""Download yahoo tickers
tickers : str, list
List of tickers to download
period : str
Valid periods: 1d,5d,1mo,3mo,6mo,1y,2y,5y,10y,ytd,max
Either Use period parameter or use start and end
interval : str
Valid intervals: 1m,2m,5m,15m,30m,60m,90m,1h,1d,5d,1wk,1mo,3mo
Intraday data cannot extend last 60 days
start: str
Download start date string (YYYY-MM-DD) or _datetime, inclusive.
Default is 99 years ago
E.g. for start="2020-01-01", the first data point will be on "2020-01-01"
end: str
Download end date string (YYYY-MM-DD) or _datetime, exclusive.
Default is now
E.g. for end="2023-01-01", the last data point will be on "2022-12-31"
group_by : str
Group by 'ticker' or 'column' (default)
prepost : bool
Include Pre and Post market data in results?
Default is False
auto_adjust: bool
Adjust all OHLC automatically? Default is False
repair: bool
Detect currency unit 100x mixups and attempt repair
Default is False
keepna: bool
Keep NaN rows returned by Yahoo?
Default is False
actions: bool
Download dividend + stock splits data. Default is False
threads: bool / int
How many threads to use for mass downloading. Default is True
ignore_tz: bool
When combining from different timezones, ignore that part of datetime.
Default depends on interval. Intraday = False. Day+ = True.
proxy: str
Optional. Proxy server URL scheme. Default is None
rounding: bool
Optional. Round values to 2 decimal places?
show_errors: bool
Optional. Doesn't print errors if False
DEPRECATED, will be removed in future version
timeout: None or float
If not None stops waiting for a response after given number of
seconds. (Can also be a fraction of a second e.g. 0.01)
session: None or Session
Optional. Pass your own session object to be used for all requests
logger = utils.get_yf_logger()
if show_errors is not None:
if show_errors:
utils.print_once(f"yfinance: download(show_errors={show_errors}) argument is deprecated and will be removed in future version. Do this instead: logging.getLogger('yfinance').setLevel(logging.ERROR)")
utils.print_once(f"yfinance: download(show_errors={show_errors}) argument is deprecated and will be removed in future version. Do this instead to suppress error messages: logging.getLogger('yfinance').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)")
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
if threads:
# With DEBUG, each thread generates a lot of log messages.
# And with multi-threading, these messages will be interleaved, bad!
# So disable multi-threading to make log readable.
logger.debug('Disabling multithreading because DEBUG logging enabled')
threads = False
if progress:
# Disable progress bar, interferes with display of log messages
progress = False
if ignore_tz is None:
# Set default value depending on interval
if interval[1:] in ['m', 'h']:
# Intraday
ignore_tz = False
ignore_tz = True
# create ticker list
tickers = tickers if isinstance(
tickers, (list, set, tuple)) else tickers.replace(',', ' ').split()
# accept isin as ticker
shared._ISINS = {}
_tickers_ = []
for ticker in tickers:
if utils.is_isin(ticker):
isin = ticker
ticker = utils.get_ticker_by_isin(ticker, proxy, session=session)
shared._ISINS[ticker] = isin
tickers = _tickers_
tickers = list(set([ticker.upper() for ticker in tickers]))
if progress:
shared._PROGRESS_BAR = utils.ProgressBar(len(tickers), 'completed')
# reset shared._DFS
shared._DFS = {}
shared._ERRORS = {}
shared._TRACEBACKS = {}
# download using threads
if threads:
if threads is True:
threads = min([len(tickers), _multitasking.cpu_count() * 2])
for i, ticker in enumerate(tickers):
_download_one_threaded(ticker, period=period, interval=interval,
start=start, end=end, prepost=prepost,
actions=actions, auto_adjust=auto_adjust,
back_adjust=back_adjust, repair=repair, keepna=keepna,
progress=(progress and i > 0), proxy=proxy,
rounding=rounding, timeout=timeout, session=session)
while len(shared._DFS) < len(tickers):
# download synchronously
for i, ticker in enumerate(tickers):
data = _download_one(ticker, period=period, interval=interval,
start=start, end=end, prepost=prepost,
actions=actions, auto_adjust=auto_adjust,
back_adjust=back_adjust, repair=repair, keepna=keepna,
rounding=rounding, timeout=timeout, session=session)
if progress:
if progress:
if shared._ERRORS:
# Send errors to logging module
logger = utils.get_yf_logger()
logger.error('\n%.f Failed download%s:' % (
len(shared._ERRORS), 's' if len(shared._ERRORS) > 1 else ''))
# Log each distinct error once, with list of symbols affected
errors = {}
for ticker in shared._ERRORS:
err = shared._ERRORS[ticker]
err = err.replace(f'{ticker}', '%ticker%')
if err not in errors:
errors[err] = [ticker]
for err in errors.keys():
logger.error(f'{errors[err]}: ' + err)
# Log each distinct traceback once, with list of symbols affected
tbs = {}
for ticker in shared._TRACEBACKS:
tb = shared._TRACEBACKS[ticker]
tb = tb.replace(f'{ticker}', '%ticker%')
if tb not in tbs:
tbs[tb] = [ticker]
for tb in tbs.keys():
logger.debug(f'{tbs[tb]}: ' + tb)
if ignore_tz:
for tkr in shared._DFS.keys():
if (shared._DFS[tkr] is not None) and (shared._DFS[tkr].shape[0] > 0):
shared._DFS[tkr].index = shared._DFS[tkr].index.tz_localize(None)
if len(tickers) == 1:
ticker = tickers[0]
return shared._DFS[ticker]
data = _pd.concat(shared._DFS.values(), axis=1, sort=True,
except Exception:
data = _pd.concat(shared._DFS.values(), axis=1, sort=True,
# switch names back to isins if applicable
data.rename(columns=shared._ISINS, inplace=True)
if group_by == 'column':
data.columns = data.columns.swaplevel(0, 1)
data.sort_index(level=0, axis=1, inplace=True)
return data
def _realign_dfs():
idx_len = 0
idx = None
for df in shared._DFS.values():
if len(df) > idx_len:
idx_len = len(df)
idx = df.index
for key in shared._DFS.keys():
shared._DFS[key] = _pd.DataFrame(
index=idx, data=shared._DFS[key]).drop_duplicates()
except Exception:
shared._DFS[key] = _pd.concat([
utils.empty_df(idx), shared._DFS[key].dropna()
], axis=0, sort=True)
# remove duplicate index
shared._DFS[key] = shared._DFS[key].loc[
def _download_one_threaded(ticker, start=None, end=None,
auto_adjust=False, back_adjust=False, repair=False,
actions=False, progress=True, period="max",
interval="1d", prepost=False, proxy=None,
keepna=False, rounding=False, timeout=10, session=None):
data = _download_one(ticker, start, end, auto_adjust, back_adjust, repair,
actions, period, interval, prepost, proxy, rounding,
keepna, timeout, session)
if progress:
def _download_one(ticker, start=None, end=None,
auto_adjust=False, back_adjust=False, repair=False,
actions=False, period="max", interval="1d",
prepost=False, proxy=None, rounding=False,
keepna=False, timeout=10, session=None):
data = None
data = Ticker(ticker, session=session).history(
period=period, interval=interval,
start=start, end=end, prepost=prepost,
actions=actions, auto_adjust=auto_adjust,
back_adjust=back_adjust, repair=repair, proxy=proxy,
rounding=rounding, keepna=keepna, timeout=timeout,
except Exception as e:
# glob try/except needed as current thead implementation breaks if exception is raised.
shared._DFS[ticker.upper()] = utils.empty_df()
shared._ERRORS[ticker.upper()] = repr(e)
shared._TRACEBACKS[ticker.upper()] = traceback.format_exc()
shared._DFS[ticker.upper()] = data
return data