Python101/Session 9 - Heatmaps and me.../Session 9 - Exercise Soluti...

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Exercise 1

In [13]:
# Read pile data from csv-file
df_piles = pd.read_csv('piles.csv')

# Read steel profile data from csv-file
df_profiles = pd.read_csv('steel_profiles.csv')

# Merge dataframes on "Profile" column (similar to Excel VLOOKUP)
df_merged = df_piles.merge(df_profiles, on='Profile', how='left')
In [15]:
# Display first five rows of dataframe of steel profiles
Profile h[mm] b[mm] Iy[mm4] Wel_y[mm3] g[kg/m]
0 HE100A 96 100 3490000 72.8 16.7
1 HE120A 114 120 6060000 106.0 19.9
2 HE140A 133 140 10300000 155.0 24.7
3 HE160A 152 160 16700000 220.0 30.4
4 HE180A 171 180 25100000 294.0 35.5
In [14]:
# Display dataframe of piles
Pile_type Profile
0 P01 HE200A
1 P20 HE220A
2 P05 HE240B
3 P23 NaN
4 P04 HE200A
5 P01 HE300B
In [16]:
# Display merged dataframe 
Pile_type Profile h[mm] b[mm] Iy[mm4] Wel_y[mm3] g[kg/m]
0 P01 HE200A 190.0 200.0 36900000.0 389.0 42.3
1 P20 HE220A 210.0 220.0 54100000.0 515.0 50.5
2 P05 HE240B 240.0 240.0 112600000.0 938.0 83.2
3 P23 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 P04 HE200A 190.0 200.0 36900000.0 389.0 42.3
5 P01 HE300B 300.0 300.0 251700000.0 1680.0 117.0

Exercise 2

In [55]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# Set filename for dataset of forces from an IBDAS shell element
filename = 'Crack_width_Seg7_y_direction.csv'

# Read CSV-file
df = pd.read_csv(filename, skip_blank_lines=True)

# Filter dataframe for load case and criterion for critical combination
criterion = 'max My'
df = df[df['Criterion'] == criterion]

Criterion x[m] y[m] N[kN/m] M[kNm/m] w_k[mm]
2 max My 22.115 7.603 -459.6 66.1 0.002553
5 max My 22.250 7.603 -432.1 87.8 0.013417
8 max My 22.250 7.747 -443.1 80.9 0.009092
11 max My 22.115 7.747 -497.0 69.0 0.002068
14 max My 22.115 8.159 -522.5 56.7 0.000000
In [56]:
# Round dataframe coordinate columns
df['x[m]'] = round(df['x[m]'], 1)
df['y[m]'] = round(df['y[m]'], 1)

# Pivot data frame data into matrix form for heatmap plotting
pivot_final = df.pivot(index='y[m]', columns='x[m]', values='w_k[mm]').sort_index(ascending=False)

# Set max allowable crack with for concrete slab for use as max value of colorbar
vmax = 0.3

# Create figure
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 8))

# Plot heatmap wiht annotation
sns.heatmap(pivot_final, annot=True, annot_kws={'size': 10}, vmax=vmax,
                  fmt=".2f", square=True, cbar_kws={"orientation": "horizontal"}, cmap='Reds')

# Set titles and axes labels
plt.title(f'Crack width for Segment 7, Criterion: {criterion}', fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel('Global x-coordinate [m]', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Global y-coordinate [m]', fontsize=16)
Text(142,0.5,'Global y-coordinate [m]')

Some extra stuff - Conditional coloring of values

In [61]:
# Create figure
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 8))

# Plot heatmap wiht annotation, save axes object so it can be accessed later
ax = sns.heatmap(pivot_final, annot=True, annot_kws={'size': 10}, vmax=vmax,
                  fmt=".2f", square=True, cbar_kws={"orientation": "horizontal"}, cmap='Reds')

# --- Color values that exceed the max value ---

# Loop over all annotations of the axes object
for annot in ax.texts:
    # Annot will now be an object which prints 'Text(x, y, w_k)'
    # Extract the crack width part of the Text object and convert from string to float 
    wk = float(annot.get_text())
    # Set all values that exceed vmax to bold and a special color
    if wk > vmax: 
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